Thursday, September 25, 2008


So, I was talking to my dear friend, Glynis, just now and I recounted a story to her about tonight that would probably bear including here based on my last entry. If only to redeem myself in my own mind.

Yancey worked late tonight, and I did the whole nighttime routine w/the boys. Fussy fussy fussy because they spent today at preschool, but still, we had some moments with both of them in my lap in our chair reading Goodnight Moon (which will probably end up on my headstone, I've read it so much).

I was kissing their heads as they babbled and saying, "I love you." Foster was mimicking me, which was cute, but I thought he was just practicing sounds. So, when they were both in their beds, and I was at the door telling them to blow me kisses and "I love you," all of a sudden Foster peeks up and says, "Wuv woo." OMG - my last nerve just got a lot stronger.

Love y'all!


Anonymous said...

Aw, wuv. Ain't nothin' better.

Look at me, all posting a comment in your blog! w00t!

Do you have "Goodnight Gorilla"? We read that one a lot, in addition to "Goodnight Moon." Actually, we read the heck out of everything. I can't even tell you how much I despise knowing all of the dinosaurs and celestial bodies. Yes, I know ALL of them. I do not exaggerate. EVER.

Anyway, I've got you bookmarked now! Brace yourself for some cyber-stalking! :)

Kristie taught me that a smilie makes everything okay, so that 'stalking' thing is cute and not creepy, 'kay? 'Kay.

Kristie said...

OK, I'm sure you already know about this, so I'm not telling you anything profound ... but I *will* tell you how much better it made our lives and encourage you to do the same --- baby sign. Seriously. It is fabulous and makes the kids feel empowered and keeps you from wanting to pull your hair out. (Well, at least from wanting to pull your hair out over communication issues .... I'm sure there will be plenty of other things!) :)

Anonymous said...

1st! Hee! I just had to do that.

What a moment! Such precious boys that are a total handful - you are my hero!