Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Mommy, Shoulders"

Well, well, what have we here? A couple of uninterrupted hours while Yancey is out at a dinner somehow related to fishing and the boys are in bed. Although, it's not totally uninterrupted because I have the monitor 3 inches from my face in case I miss something. You see, the boys have The Cold (the same Cold they have had since September), and they are just getting over The Stomach Bug (their first ever). I just want to say that there is nothing quite like walking into a bedroom at 7:30AM to a stench that can only be described as Decaying Mummy With Bad Breath Who Decided To Poop All Over His Sheets. Times Two. Oh My Sweet Lord. It is in that specific moment when one realizes that she is an adult and can't turn around to say, "Moooommmmm, something stinks!!!"

So, on Monday morning (after taking Thursday and Friday off for a vacation to the beach with our good friends - sans kids) with work clothes on, hair and make-up done and 20 minutes away from a long work day....I stripped 2 cribs, Cloroxed everything in sight and hoped to God I didn't miss anything on bodies with baby wipes or accidentally pick my nose. Jasmine *definitely* picked a good day to be running late. But, thank goodness for a hands-on Dad. Yancey put on his robe and ran around acting like he couldn't hear anything I said, making me yell back at him, "FOSTER HAS POOP IN HIS HAIR - WHAT PART OF THAT DID YOU NOT HEAR???"** The boys started crying and it was on. Have you ever run around throwing crap (ha, literally) into the washer all the while trying to make it a game so your kids don't get "potty issues" later on? No? Well, you are missing out my friends. I only wonder how Yancey's parents got through the weekend with Vomit Boy Yancey and Soon To Be Sick Foster. Clearly, they are pros because I don't recall them recounting any running around, crap throwing or screaming. I could learn from them.

So............the twins are in bed, asleep, symptom free for over 36 hours. Ahhhhhhh. No thanks to Benadryl which apparently jacks Yancey up and makes him run around pulling books off shelves and talking to himself until he comes down enough to hit the sack. Funny to watch, though. (Ooo, is that wrong?)

And, as I was cuddling Foster (the one who doesn't let me cuddle him much but turns into a puddle of syrup when his Dad shows up), he started patting my shoulders. So cute. Little guy, head on my shoulder, patting me. I thought, "Oh, how cute" and whispered sweetly how much I loved him. Even teared up a little. He whispered back, "shoulders.....shoulders....Mommy, shoulders." I thought to myself, WTF? Then I realized, he was singing Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Even snuggling, the kid has a mind of his own. Thanks, Foster.

The vacation was wonderful and fabulous and englightening. Did you know that people build 20 million dollar houses? For THEMSELVES? Wow. Kiawah Island is so gorgeous in November, but I can damn well bet it would look prettier from the 3rd floor balcony of a $20M house. Who knows someone that knows someone? My people will call them.

**In Yancey's defense, he said I was mumbling.


Lee-Anne said...

Just wait . . . the next thing you know, you will be awakened in the middle of the night by a small, weak voice saying "Mommy, I chuckled." Translation: Everything that was in the tummy is now on the sheets, the clothes, the floor . . . you get the picture. That's the bad news. The good news is that he is ABSOLUTELY SURE you can make it all OK. Hang in there!

Niki said...

Okay, I'm gonna have to stop reading your blog for now... You make me laugh too much! It hurts! I'll come back when I'm more healed. ;-)