Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Short and Sweet

I am 38 years old, and yesterday I pulled my child's hair. On purpose. He and his brother insisted on running in circles around me and laughing as I sat Indian-style on the floor (wait, am I still allowed to use that term?) pulling my hair every time they got around to the back. I laughed at first (yes, a mistake and thank you very much Parenting magazine for pointing it out), then I tried telling them that pulling hair made an ouchie for Mommy. No sympathy from those two. Then, I got stern. When that didn't work, I spun around on my butt and pulled my child's hair and said (maniacally) "SEE? SEE? Now THAT is an ouchie!!" Oh my Lord, how the mighty have fallen.

And the worst part? He looked so totally bewildered, like he might cry....then burst into peals of laughter.


Kristie said...

First of all ... Indian-legged? Completely non-PC. The "proper" term these days is "criss cross apple sauce" ... at least until the apple-farmers of America get offended.

Secondly, don't feel bad about the hair-pulling. One of my lowest moments as a parent was when I threw a shoe at my three year old daughter. On purpose. And actually hit her with it which made me burst into guilty tears of flame.

Lee-Anne said...

Sounds like Mimi needs to put Mommy in time-out. Never worked when you were two yourself, but now that you're 38 it might produce the intended effect!

Niki said...

Okay, first I was laughing from your post... Now I'm laughing because of Kristie's comment! You two! I swear you should write a book together! LOL