Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It Snuck Up On Me

My 20th high school reunion is this weekend. How did that happen? I mean, I know the science. The Earth revolves around the sun (right?)* and years go by. But, how did I become older than most of my teachers were back in high school? And, why on Earth am I this old with 2 very young and very energetic kids. And another thing -- why do all of the old pictures of that era show myself and my girl friends with gigantic hair, blue eye liner, and stirrup pants while my guy friends appear as if they could walk through my door today perfectly stylish? Clearly a conspiracy of some sort. I'm going to think on that.

So, I've been ruminating a lot lately about those hysterical years during the mid-80s. Bon Jovi...California Coolers...Skoal Bandits...Prince...Madonna...Capri Cigarettes (that cost 95 cents a pack - if you smoked, of course)...Cruising (in my hometown, at least)...ahhhhh....the memories. When I look back, they were heady times. But, through it all, I had a plan. The Plan. College, then job, then family, then Happily Ever After. Ummm, yeah.

So, the college thing worked fine. Then things got a little sticky. The Plan to get a job sort of derailed when I was told that in order to take part in Interview Day at UNC-Chapel Hill (where the likes of Goldman Sachs came to cherry pick the best of the best), I needed to cut my hair and buy a navy suit. For some reason, that just ticked me off to no end. So, to my Dad's chagrin, I skipped Interview Day and graduated a very happy (if seemingly unemployable) English major. The Plan then changed (but it was definitely still The Plan) to a year of travel and school in Europe then back to the US to attend grad school. Yeah, that didn't happen either.

Not that I felt good about it, but I moved to Aspen, CO and applied/was accepted to grad school in Atlanta - still stubbornly trying to stick to The New Plan. Aspen, oh Aspen. Soon, I deferred grad school. Later, I wondered why grad school had ever been The Plan. Three years later I moved to Atlanta with Yancey - who would *many* years later (you were slow, my dear) become my husband. Wifehood was rockin'. Starting a family, not so much. Twelve years later, I am planning to attend my reunion.

Over these 20 years, I have remained closeclose friends with those blue eye-lined girls from high school, and we get together often. Those weekends quickly move from "How is your life?" to "Who brought the Eagles and Poison CDs?" Lots of laughs, lots of booze, and countless recountings of who did what with/to whom. I always leave those weekends feeling like I am a success. My life didn't go like I planned it at age 18, and you know what? Thank God.

While this reunion has given me lots of opportunity to be mystified as to how Age 37 has snuck up on me, it has also solified in my mind the fact that this life is the one that was meant for me. I am glad I spent time in Aspen, learning that one doesn't always need a Plan (although if you looked in my day planner right now, tomorrow is planned down to the hour). I am glad that I married someone who challenges me. I am glad that I have 2 crazy boys who, in the end, were my Plan all along.

Now all I need is gas to get me to NC and back.

*Before I posted this, I actually did ask Yancey to be sure the Earth *does* revolve around the sun.


Lee-Anne said...

Though Dad was "chagrined", I had the utmost confidence that you and all your blue-eye-lined friends would turn out splendidly. Was I right or what?#!%^ Have fun at the reunion, and whatever you do, DON'T go to the lake!!!

Anonymous said...

Babe! My eye liner was green! And I *did* love the stirrup pants. And the big hair. Although I can't for the life of me remember how I did that now. I actually have a picture of all of us at Christmas at my folks house on Apache way and you can actually see the stirrups. I think it was the same night we snuck out to go to the house party down the street on Indian Wells Circle, then walked(?) back singing a particularity bad rendition of "Tiny Bubbles"...